We were out in the corn field last night putting the finishing touches on the design for the maze this year. Each year we are anxious as we draw the design by hand (and by we, I mean Tia). We will need to wait till mid September to get the ariel view and see the result of all the hard labor. (she always ‘nails’ it!) This is our 10th anniversary! 10 years – feels like a lot, and sometimes feels like we’re just getting started. The biggest change this year is that the cows have left the farm for good. Downsizing on the dairy part of the operation has allowed us to move all the cows to the home place and turn the land and buildings over to the Patch. As we start looking at our structures from a different view point, we are making adjustments that we think will enhance our operation. We started the clean-up process in the barns this week also, and are excited that it will be our last ‘big’ cleanup after the cows. Now that’s something to CELEBRATE!!